Submitting articles for the Joint Parish Magazine

The copy date for contributions is the 11th of the month preceding publication. For preference these should be sent as a Word file (.doc or .docx) by e-mail to:
Due to the difficulty that has been experienced in opening attachments, contributors are requested to copy their Word file and paste it directly onto the carrier e-mail. This greatly facilitates the identification and placement of the article.
Typewritten and hand written copy is acceptable, and these should be placed in either the box in St Mary's Church ( Thorncombe) or Winsham Shop by Noon of the copy date.
Photographs do not appear in every edition of the magazine, and are usually  included in features which are advertised in the magazine at least a month in advance. If you have  pictures that you would like to be considered for inclusion in one of these features you need to be aware of the following criteria:
1.It must be a digital image. Maintain the.jpeg format that your camera will usually generate.
2.It must be taken at a reasonably high resolution file .
3.Send the picture as it comes from the camera-do not edit in any way i.e. Please-no cropping, no colour correction. This will be done at the make-up and printing stage.
4.Send as an attachment to an e-mail that is generated by you, not from a computerised  Photo-album software as these can sometimes compress your pictures without offering you options.
5.Unlike text attachments, please do not copy and paste the image onto the carrier e-mail. Send as an attachment (the sign of the paperclip!).dps

Each magazine text page is laid out in two columns to facilitate easy reading. This is done at the time of the magazine's page make up, and contributors does not have to concern themselves with this part of the publication process. The magazine is set in 11pt Times and if you can send copy in this form it eliminates the need for the editorial staff to change the font or font size.
Please do not let the above discourage you from contributing to our Joint Parish Magazine. It is in everyone's interests that the contributions appear without mistakes, and any pictures you provide do you credit. By following these guidelines disappointment will be avoided.

PLEASE NOTE-The legalities and practicalities:
When you send in your contribution it must carry your name as Author, and we will need a contact telephone number. The right to edit is reserved. Anonymous contributions and material which potentially compromise the Magazines Constitution or legal position such as possible breach of copyright, defamatory or libellous sentiments or statements will not be published. The Editors decision as to what is published is final. A Contributor indemnifies the Joint Parish Magazine against any legal action or loss resulting from the publication of the article they have submitted, for any reason.

If a contributor is under the age of 16, a note from Parents or Guardian confirming that they agree to publication must accompany the article or photograph. It is the Parents or Guardians responsibility to provide this. It will be assumed that all contributions not accompanied by such permissions are from contributors not under the age of sixteen.

Care will be taken to ensure the accuracy of information contained in the Joint Parish Magazine. However the Joint Parish Magazine cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience experienced due to mistake or inaccurate statements that may appear.


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