Reports published by Winsham Parish Council of Monthly Meetings-2020/2021/2022 |
Winsham Parish Council Annual Council Meeting – 11th May 2022
Present were four members of the
public, our Clerk and four councillors; a rather low attendance, but
four of our councillors were unavoidably absent. In the public forum we
heard about worries about the Equestrian Centre near Purtington, were
major earthworks are taking place and sound pollution from their public
address system is a regular occurrence. Also voiced were worries about
the Jubilee mugs - we will try to get them to all the Winsham children
who want them! In recent elections eight of us
were re-elected (as there were no other candidates); our Chair and
Vice-Chair were re-elected in this meeting. The single vacant position
on the Council will be filled by co-opting Chloe Adams. We discussed the Equestrian Centre
complaints and what we intend to do about it; in Planning matters there
was only one new application, 22/00787/HOU, the erection of a two-story
rear extension to Ivy Cottage on Back Street; there were no objections
on this going through. All Planning applications from last month:
22/00292/HOU re 9 Bakersfield, 21/03717/S73A re Puthill Barn Limekiln
Lane, 21/03728/COL re Puthill Barn Limekiln Lane and 22/00485/FUL re
Fulwood Ebben Lane, went through the District Council and have been
permitted, though some with conditions. As this was our Annual Meeting we
looked at Finance in more detail than usual, we shuffled Councilors'
allocated responsibilities (which are many!), we looked at insurance
quotes, at our Asset Register, at the Internal Auditor's report: the
necessary but not wildly exciting administrative matters that come with
the job. Planning for the Queen's Jubilee is
going on, and the programme is as planned and as advertised in the
e-letter, on Facebook and in the Parish Magazine. In the Churchyard, a Compost &
Cakes working group has been sprucing up 'Laurel Corner' and we
have also been working on the re-sprouting Cherry laurel, removing some
more roots and copper-nailing stumps: all in aid of a future herb
corner. Under Parish Assets, we discussed
the refurbishment of the War Memorial, now well in hand before the
Memorial's centenary, which is next year.
We talked about the fencing on the Lower Rec, the replacement bin
on the Upper Rec, the allotments, grass cutting... our work may not
always be spectacular and exciting, but we try and keep our parish a
good place to live in. The next WPC meeting is on
Wednesday June 1st in the Jubilee Hall. |
Report on the Winsham Parish Council ordinary Council Meeting – 6th
April 2022
Present were four members of the public, and our
District Councillor Sue Osborne. In the public forum we heard about the
still-blocked culvert on the Chalkway (which Highways have now looked at
and said they would "send an expert"); and about the footpath from Court
Street to Broadenham, which is getting encroached by undergrowth. We
will need to look into this.
Sue reported on SSDC progress regarding Ukrainian refugees - but SSDC is
now 'in purdah' so not much will happen over the next month or so. South
Somerset asked for a substantial grant towards our buses, but we
received only a small part of what we asked for (and Dorset got none at
In the meeting proper we came to planning
matters and discussed 21/01786/FUL: the application for two houses
at the bottom of Church Street, which went through SSDC planning without
a hitch - despite objections from quite a few Winsham residents, despite
objections from Winsham Parish Council, and despite Sue Osborne's trying
hard to get it onto the Area Committee for a serious look. All these
objections were overruled by planning officer, and we are very unhappy
about both residents' and WPC's comments being completely ignored. Two
new applications, 22/00485/FUL (for a solar array near Fulwood House)
22/00531/HOU (for a side extension on Western Way),
were approved by the WPC, as was a pre-planning application for a dormer
bungalow on land to the rear of Corner Stones.
Counsellor Hill attended the Chard Flood
Resilience Group meeting on March 16th and informed them about
our flooding
problems. What Winsham needs is a flood warden, someone who coordinates
info on flooding and our response to it, along Neighbourhood Watch lines
- we are looking for a volunteer, please contact us if this could be
you! We might stockpile sandbags at the Band Hut.
A village meeting took place to discuss support for Ukrainian refugee
resettlement in our area. We will coordinate with other villages. Sarah
Love (professionally involved with refugee children) will liaise and
knows who is coming where; emphasises that any refugees absolutely need
to have Home Office visas and contact local authority.
We were going to discuss concerns about the Balsom Close Nature Area
that were raised in a letter to the council, but as the matter is now
part of a police investigation (!), we were not able to discuss this in
Update on preparations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
plans as before: beacon lighting on Thursday June 2 at 21:00 (near
Hazelwood Farm, on opposite side of the road), quiz night with cheese
and wine at the Bell on Saturday 3 June, traditional children’s games,
barbeque and music at the Upper Rec Club on Saturday 4th June, and a
‘Party in the Park’ at the Lower Rec on June 5: bring your own cream tea
and picnic, enter the table decoration competition, children’s crown
More items for report: We intend to hold our
Great British Spring Clean
on Saturday 23 April starting at 10:00,
ending with coffee and cake at 12:00. We have had the hedge along the
cemetery-to-Ammerham footpath cut drastically to give a bit more space
for walkers. The grass cutting has begun again, by the same team as last
year. The telephone box library is working very well with plenty of
With more village life taking place outside now the
weather is improving, we would ask you to be courteous and mindful of
your neighbours and do not light bonfires on nice days - and do
not burn plastic and the like, nor household waste. After dusk is the
appropriate time!
Outside bodies: Winsham Recreational Trust reported
that they are considering next steps for grounds and clubhouse, and they
are looking at legal documents regarding the lease. Their volunteers are
committed and much appreciated; a recent volunteers meeting was
abolished, sadly, due to governance issues.
Date of the Next Meetings: –
the next Council meeting is on 11th May 2022. |
Winsham Parish Council meeting of December
1st, 2021 Present were four members of the public, most of them
wearing masks, as well as Sue Osborne, our District Councillor. Sadly,
we heard that Linda Vijeh, our County Councillor, is standing down as of
January next year, but Sue will liaise & cover. Sue discussed a flooding
report and advises village input; Jim Everard will attend the relevant
meeting. There was just one new planning application this
month, by Mr & Mrs R Woodland, but only an outline application (which is
like testing the waters), to see if they can get a provisional yes to
building a house in the paddock to the back of The Bell, with access
through the private lane along the Bell. While we worry about this
access being right opposite the school, as well as potential future
development and potential flooding down to Church Street, we
registered otherwise ‘no objection’ until we see a more detailed
appilication in the future. The outline application we discussed last month,
21/02855/OUT was refused; not because of the reservations we put in but
because of the public right of way and the view from conservation area. We discussed financial matters, including a first
look at next year’s budget, and approved the Winsham Community Resource
Centre bank balance of £563.54, finally in our account, to be allocated
to the WCRC in Earmarked Reserves – there was applause at this stage, as
it took a long time to extract this money from the bank! We reviewed policy documents; discussed a quote to
replace decking for the Lower Rec climbing frame, but decided it would
be better to have a thorough check of ALL equipment here, and get a
quote for the lot rather than dealing with it piecemeal. We reported yet more fly tipping along Western Way –
anybody can do this on the dedicated website of South Somerset District
Council: They can only react if they know about it! In our
experience, they do get round to removing such rubbish reasonably
quickly. We discussed the Western Way newbuild developer’s
request to let him release the 8th house for sale before he delivers up
the parking lot and nature area, but our Chair has discovered this is up
to SSDC and not to the Winsham Parish Council… we will try (through the
kind offices of Sue Osborne) to have a SSDC planning officer come to the
site and discuss the matter with us, possibly with the SSDC
Environmental Officer Sarah Dyke. In the meantime, we have received 410
tree ‘whips’ to start planting in the planned Nature Area, once
released, and we will apply for more free trees and wildflower meadow
seeds. Councillor Judith Hill reported she and several
volunteers have made a good start with village gardening in what were
waste spaces. Would village people be happy if we once more dig up
‘Laurel Corner’ in the Churchyard, by the back gate, and plant this
small area with medicinal herbs? Our telephone box library is doing well with books
changing hands regularly. As two dogs have been seen out of control in a field
of sheep, can we remind everyone that dogs should be kept UNDER CONTROL
where livestock is about! Farmers have the right to take drastic action
when they find your dog causing harm, or about to cause harm – and when
I say drastic, that means resolving the problem for good, to the extent
of destroying the dog. The Highways Agency came round last week and cleaned
out most of the village drains, and along the B 3162 as well; some of
the smaller roads have not been done, as yet. Talking about roads, along
Bakersfield and lower Church Street some houses have trailing electric
leads over the pavement to charge their cars – please be mindful that in
the dark this can be a serious trip hazard if not clearly marked (and it
is actually illegal). Finally there were reports from representatives from
outside bodies. Steve Weller is now Acting Chair of the Winsham
Recreational Trust, after Trevor Harris resigned. We wish to thank
Trevor for his sterling work during his stint as Chair, and to Keith
Fowler for *his* chairmanship! Thanks were also expressed to Sarah Love
for her running of the Club, with the help of a great bunch of
volunteers. Keith Fowler reported that CCTV has now been installed. The
clubhouse is well-used! Date of the next meeting – Wednesday 5th January
2022. |
Winsham Parish Council Council Meeting – 3rd November 2021 Present were seven council members, one (Trevor)
standing in for the Clerk who was unwell. Our SSDC councillors Linda
Vijeh and Sue Osborne and eleven members of the public were also
present: a good turnout, but most people were only attending because of
a Planning Matter! This was about the proposed new build North of
Orchard Cottage, but because much of the application was ‘reserved’
(i.e. undecided, not yet included) we could not comment much. The SSDC
site also did not include most of the objections raised by local people
(mostly to do with drainage and the existing spoil heap), due to website
problems. We felt we did not have the information we needed to come to
an informed advice decision, and we will tell SSDC planning to sort
things out. A second planning matter, a conversion at Leigh Farm Dairy
Cottage, was more straightforward although the large number of parking
places related to a one-bed holiday let seemed strange to us. The Highways Agency plan for Church Street is still
developing. They have now abandoned their idea of a pedestrian crossing
with yellow lines near the Jubilee/Shop that we were not keen on!
Parishioners will still be able to comment and suggest once it comes to
the consultation stage. We are working to replace the safety surfaces on
several of the Lower rec playground structures; in spring, we will also
do a general paint. We are very sorry to hear about the vandalism at
Winsham School, and we noted that the lower Rec picnic table has been
overturned several times – probably by the same offenders. We discussed plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee,
on 2-6 June 2022. We will try and coordinate with other parties such as
The Bell. A community quilt is also in the offing. Under ‘Parish assets’ we discussed the Churchyard
‘Laurel Corner’ where two of us intend to do some more sprucing up.
Similarly, by the bus shelter we intend to ask Highways to repair the
broken tarmac, and then we will replace the nettles with a nice planting
of wildflowers. We are obtaining new quotes for repairs to the walls
around, and pavement under, the War Memorial – in addition to the
re-cutting of some of the names. We expressed our grateful thanks to Simon Hill, who
has cleared many of our choked drains. he also re-dug several drainage
ditches, bless him. Everybody can help our drainage system by cleaning
out drains around our houses!
More thanks to Simon, and also to Judith Hill, for their sterling
work on the laying of the Allotment hedge. The final grass cut of the year has taken place on
the day of our WPC meeting, and we appreciate the work our contractors,
the Powells, have been doing. Finally, the Band Hut (or Community Resource Centre)
is being checked for who has stored what, preparatory to a clear-out
early next year. We are thinking of installing some solar lights . Our next meeting will be on Wednesday December 1st – please watch announcements to see where it is to be held, depending on pandemic developments… |
Winsham Parish Council Council Meeting – 1st September 2021
We met in the main Jubilee Hall, due to Covid
distancing requirements and this was possible as the ballet group
graciously ceded us their booked evening. Seven members of the public
were present, our District Councilor Sue Osborne and our County
Councilor Linda Vijeh, and eight parish councilors and the Clerk.
Linda and Sue reported about the new Unitary Council,
which will require redrawn council boundaries : this is to bring the
number of councilors down from the current 100 to 80-90 (by order of the
Secretary of State). This carries a risk of the rural vote being lost,
and our Councilors will keep a close eye on proceedings. They also
reported that South Somerset rubbish collection problems are finally
getting better (luckily, we suffered less of this than some!).
As most of the members of the public were there for a
single item on the agenda, we brought that forward in our talks: the
planning application for a so-called gypsy site (as specified in the
application) in a field NW of White Gates, the crossing of the B3167
Fosse Way with Cow Down Road. Concerns were raised about the change of
pasture to residential land, about access problems, about the
unsuitability of the site and about water and flooding issues; we found
the lack of information (and justification) on the application
disturbing and we went
with the public mood to object to this application. Of course the site
itself is in Forton (it is just on the border of the two parishes) and
Tatworth & Forton Parish will vote on it this week. The cutoff date for
objections is 7 September.
Two other planning applications went through without
problems, one on additional stabling in Purtington and one on roof
alterations in Whatley.
We discussed the filling in of potholes and fencing
along Pooles Lane, plaques for the two nice new picnic tables we have
bought for the upper and lower Recs; we approved a repeat order for
inspection of the playground in the lower Rec; we approved parish
council finance matters; and we reviewed a series of official documents.
Looking ahead, we started preparations for Remembrance Day and approved
a donation to the Christmas Tree Lighting event.
As the Principal Authority elections are going to be
held in 2022, we decided to piggyback the Parish Council elections on
that (instead of in 2023 as planned) to save the parish thousands of
The Highways Agency has come up with a new plan for
Winsham pedestrian safety improvements. Of
course this is something we approve of in principle, but
we dislike the
loss of seven parking spaces near the shop & Jubilee Hall, especially as
there are people who have difficulties with access to such places. We
will try and organise a meeting between Highways Agency and concerned
residents, through the kind offices of Linda and Sue.
On Parish Assets: the
gate catch of the cemetery gate has been replaced, and the large
cuttings bin in the cemetery has been emptied. We intend to provide a
bin so plastic flowers etc. does not get mixed with the compostable
grass. We will address
the ‘cleared’ area in the churchyard, where the laurel cherry is
sprouting again, of course consulting with the Church Wardens. Progress
is being made with plans for improving the War Memorial, as some of the
names are getting faint and the walls and flagstones around it are
cracking in places. The telephone box exchange library seems to be
working very well!
The fly tipping of old tyres along Western Way was
reported to the SSDC and has now been cleared. We are looking into
reports of fly tipping on the upper Rec.
Reports from member representatives on outside bodies: we
only heard from the Winsham
Recreational Trust, where the Pavilion has been granted an alcohol
license; the bar has been stocked, security shutters have been
installed, the toilets were redone, fire extinguishers have been
replaced and we are repairing the roof gully; the membership drive is
going well and several events have been held successfully. The WRT hopes
to hold an AGM in October.
Date of the Next Meeting – Wednesday
6th October. |
Winsham Parish Council meeting of July 6th 2021
Apart from the usual administrative points (Finance, document reviews,
insurance, playground inspections and the like) we discussed several
planning applications, addressed a query raised by a member of the
public to their satisfaction, and then came to a very topical point:
flood defences. We have raised a concern with the Highways department as
at least ten of our village drains have been blocked for a while, while
others are not large enough to cope with serious rainfall and run-off.
With extra houses being built, serious improvements are needed, and we
will keep pressing on this.
There is persistent dog fouling on Pooles Lane, and we still do not know
who is responsible. As the lane is a thoroughfare for schoolchildren, we
are asking members of the public for help in identifying the guilty
party – is it someone who is physically incapable of bending down (in
which case we can help), or just a lazy dogwalker? Please help!
We discussed cutting back the hedges of the Allotments, and will tackle
the one fronting the road in September/October. Similarly we talked
about the hedge along the Lower rec, as well as fencing for the
playground; not everyone agrees on the plans, but as a Council we feel
it will improve the area.
In Purtington a part of the hedge along Rose Lane was grubbed up during
the bird-nesting season, and we are still not clear why this happened.
This same Rose Lane has been declared a Restricted Byway by South
Somerset County Council, rather than the footpath it has been, a
decision which we tried to fight and which continues to mystify us as it
is a steep and rather perilous path.
We have applied to the Woodland Trust for a large number of saplings for
the forthcoming nature area.
Plans are afoot for removing the old grass cuttings in the Cemetery and
for dividing the current bin into two parts, one for topsoil and one for
cuttings. There will be a new rubbish bin just outside the eastern gate,
where people can discard old plastic flowers and such like, which should
not go into the grass cuttings (which can otherwise be used as compost).
We have had positive feedback from the War Memorial Trust and will
continue with our plans to refurbish the War Memorial: it needs a clean,
some repairs and a localised sharpening of some of the lettering.
The only reports from member representatives on outside bodies was from
the Winsham Recreational Trust, which has now applied for a bar licence;
is in the process of replacing the current carpet; and will hold several
more Family Fun Days, cream teas and barbeques in July and August.
Report on the meeting of the Winsham Parish Council on
June 1, 2021 (and some extras)
will start with the ‘extras’: we had the Parish Council AGM on
May 25th, an actual physical one in the Jubilee Hall! Two
members of the public, seven councillors and our Clerk, and all masked
(except when speaking). As Stu Davie has resigned, because he wants to
spend more time on his business and family,
we needed to choose a new chairman: Jim Everard will take over
from Stu, and Sarah Love will take over as vice-chair. We also allocated
the various councillors’ responsibilities. The meeting was followed by
the Annual Parish Meeting, for which we had an almost full (when
distanced) Hall, and in which a whole range of Winsham organisations
reported on the last year-and-a-bit, and talked about future plans.
On Saturday the 29th of May the Parish Council organised the
Spring Clean, for which many volunteers turned up – we have a
very good community spirit for these kinds of things. Several teams of
two were driven to far ends of the Parish, to walk back to the Lower Rec
and pick up litter along the roads and lanes – of course wearing hi-viz
jackets and using proper litter pickers. Meanwhile another group gave
playground equipment, tables and seats in the Lower Rec a good
scrubbing/brushing/washing. Results: bags and bags of litter (boo,
hiss), resulting in 'very' clean-looking roadsides (applause, flapjacks)
and a nicely scrubbed-up Lower Rec, too.
On Tuesday (so as not to clash with the weekly ballet class) June 1st
the monthly Parish Council meeting took place – the first live
one, apart from the AGM, for a long time. Six councillors and the Clerk
attended, with five members of the public. During the public forum our
previous chairman, Stuart Davie, explained the reasons for his
resignation: he wants to develop his business and his young family is
also taking up more of his time. He thanked all Winsham parishioners for
their support and told us he was proud to have served the community
during his 5 ½ years on the Council – and he told us he had been
especially proud to lay our wreaths at the War Memorial, as a former
member of the 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment. As a Council
we are grateful for his years of service and chairmanship, and at the
end of our meeting we recorded a unanimous vote of thanks to Stuart for
his sterling service to Parish and Parish Council.
We voted for a new councillor, to fill the vacancy, and from the three
candidates Trevor Harris was chosen.
After discussion of outstanding items, finance and annual governance
returns, we suddenly had no planning matters to discuss, the first time
in a long while that this has (not) happened. We reviewed policy
documents; we talked about new fencing for the Lower Rec, and the
possibility of a new round table there, plus the need to re-paint and
re-stain much of the equipment after its recent cleaning. This will
probably happen in the autumn, with proper warning for all the users.
As to other Parish assets, in the cemetery we will have the
cuttings/compost bin emptied and tidied up. The larger of the gates also
needs attention. For the War Memorial we are awaiting three quotes for
the sprucing up of the lettering and repairs to walls and flagstones;
there has been no feedback yet from the War Memorial Trust in response
to our assessment of the status of the memorial as rather poor. We
discussed the placing of an additional dog pooh bin near the top of High
Street, and an additional grit bin near Balsom Close/Western way.
There was not much to report from our members on outside bodies, apart
from the Winsham Recreational trust who are having a Fun Day on Friday
June 11th, from 5 to 8 in the afternoon/evening; and the Band
Hut (Winsham Community Resource Centre) where there will be a sorting
out of unwanted equipment.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be in early July, and it
depends on the easing of Covid-19 restrictions whether it will be held
in the Committee Room of the Jubilee Hall or elsewhere – and on ‘where’
depends the ‘when’, so we will keep you posted.
Report on the Winsham Parish Council Council Meeting – 5th May 2021 This was our last zoom meeting for the pandemic –
from now on we are legally obliged to have physical meetings again,
though how this is going to work out with physical distancing and indoor
rules is anyone’s guess. Eight councillors and the Clerk attended, as well as
County Councillor Linda Vijeh and four members of the public. In the outstanding items section we once again
thanked Paul Anderson for replacing one of the old benches in the upper
Rec with a smart new one, and for taking away the old slatted bench near
the bus stop in order to replace that one, as well. We discussed plans
for the ‘phone box at the five ways junction: it turns out it will be
too hot for most plants due to sun exposure, so initially it will serve
as a book- and seed-exchange. The door will be firmed up and new coats
of paint will be laid on. The only planning applications we discussed were
about Woodlands garage, and we gave them our full support. We have been
asked by a member of the public to consider replacing restrictive stiles
on some footpaths with gates, to provide easier access to a wider range
of users. Though we like the idea in principle, we are not keen on metal
gates, and we will look into this further, liaising with interested
parties. We will support Radio Ninesprings which aims to start
broadcasting in our area - it is a very local radio station for South
Somerset, currently working from Yeovil with a mix of popular music,
local community news and interviews about local issues. It is currently
on 104.5 FM from Yeovil, but hopes to be on 107.6 FM from Chard as well. We approved the new WPC Asset Register, which covers
a multitude of things such as the Lower Rec, grit bins and Poole’s Lane;
and maintenance of all these goes from replacing a rotten door of the
Band Hut to working on protruding screw ends on the Lower Rec gates
(thanks Keith) – to the regular cutting of grass in the cemetery, the
Lower and Upper Rec, and the Churchyard. We are looking at providing
water in the cemetery and making some changes in the children’s
playground. The meeting ended with reports from outside bodies
such as the Winsham Recreational trust, reporting that WRT is applying
for an alcohol licence for the Pavilion; requests for bookings for the
Pavilion have already started to come in; and with the Clerk’s report,
which included that WPC has officially accepted a grant from the
Somerset Climate Emergency Fund for our forthcoming nature area, the
‘climate park’ behind Balsom Close. We are very pleased that the parking problem at the
corner of Western Way and Balsom Close has finally been resolved, due to
continuing pressure from the Parish Council.
The next WPC meeting will be on Tuesday, 8th of
June at 19:30; probably in the main part of the Jubilee Hall. The agenda
for the meeting will be made available the Friday before the meeting.
Report on the Winsham Parish Council Council Meeting – 7th April
2021 Yet
another zoom meeting, with seven parish councillors present, as well as
Sue Osborne (our District Councillor for Windwhistle Ward) and Linda
Vijeh (our County Councillor) and two members of the public. As our
Clerk is recovering from a hospital stay Lucy Miller kindly took the
minutes. Our County
and District Councillors reported on the consultation about the plans to
replace the current system of the County Council and four district
authorities (including our South Somerset one) with either a single new
authority (this is the One Somerset option) or two (the One Somerset
option). You may have had a leaflet through your letterbox pretending to
be a poll form – but these are actually illegal! The consultation
continues, beset by and with complications… Also, planning applications
are now slower than usual due to low staffing, and there is a new word
limit on your comments on proposed plans; a way around this would be to
split your reaction over several responses, as long as these are sent in
by different people. Sue and Linda warn us about a new scam, with a
fake emails supposedly from the DVLA about your car tax and asking for
bank details - do not believe these!! We
discussed outstanding items on the agenda, including the fitting of the
new bench seat in the lower Rec. Mr Paul Anderson kindly volunteered to
have the bench (which he made!) put in without costs to the Council, for
which we are truly grateful. No
planning matters were received. We
reviewed some of our policies, including the Freedom of Information
Policy, and the Council’s Bee Policy – did you realise we have one? Even
some of us were surprised. We discussed Pooles Lane, part of which is a
WPC asset, and we will ask for quotes to fill the potholes; we will also
check the Diocese archives (when they open again) to find out about our
responsibility to erect a proper fence on the southern side. We are
planning for the Great British Spring Clean – to take place somewhere
between 28th May & 13th June. Several
ideas had come in about what to use the Phone Box for – thank you! After
a lick of paint we will probably make it into a post-Covid
flowerbox-cum-book- and seed exchange. Councillor
Everard reported he had found a lot of broken glass in the cemetery.
Apparently people use these to water flowers on the graves with, which
of course is laudable; but if you leave them behind instead of clearing
them up after, they will get broken (is it that pheasant again?) which
is not a nice thing to see. Sadly,
someone is letting their dog foul the path by the school gates and the
field gate. This is both disgusting and a health hazard to our children.
There is a dog bin in the area, so someone is being lazy, unhygienic and
disrespectful. We
discussed putting in for a grant to refurbish the War Memorial in the
village centre. The lettering is getting very faint and many of the
paving slabs are now broken. We will be getting quotes from stonemasons
(for the lettering) and builders (for the stones) and then look into
trying to get grants to cover some of the costs. The
Council is grateful to Bethany Fowler for her hard (and voluntary) work
on the parish web site, which includes making old council meeting
minutes searchable. We are
pleased to announce that the footpath between Western Way and Hazelwood
Hill is now much improved, with new stiles and signs. The grass in the
cemetery and the two Recs has had its first cut. On the Upper Rec, the
refurb of the Pavilion is going on apace; Steve & Jacqui Weller have
hung curtains – warm and homely! Jim Everard has fitted new taps in the
loos, and is now working on the showers; electric heaters being
installed at the moment; and a liquor licence is being applied for, and
we are asking for volunteers to help us run the bar in the future. The
playing field has had its first cut as well, and looks good – which is
great as the Winsham United will play matches there in a mini football
league; sadly, no spectators allowed due to the wretched Covid. The
next WPC meeting will be on Wednesday, 5th of May at 19:30;
should you like to attend (by zoom, again, but possibly for the last
time) please email the Clerk at and she
will send you an invitation a few days before. The agenda for the
meeting will be made available the Friday before the meeting. |
on the Winsham Parish Council meeting of March 3rd 2021
The council met, once again by zoom, with all councillors present; Sue
Osborne and Linda Vijeh, our District and County Councillors; and four
members of the public.
Linda and Sue gave information about the proposals to replace the
current structure of four Somerset District councils and the County
Council with a new single, unitary council,
for which there are two options; as well as on delay and uncertainty
around planning applications following recent guidance over unacceptable
amounts of phosphates in an area of the Somerset Levels and Moors. There
is a risk that areas outside the Levels and Moors catchment area (such
as Winsham!) will suffer due to long delays on planning applications within that
catchment area, something we do not want!
Among the outstanding items we discussed the placing of the new oak
bench in the Lower Rec, which will happen soon now the weather is more
suitable for pouring concrete; and the area of land to be donated to the
Council by the developer of the new Western Way housing. There is no
news yet about the grant we applied for to do fencing and planting for
this area; we are considering signage for the parking lot to be
established; and we have put in a grant proposal to the Somerset Fund to
put in a table tennis table and a basketball hoop in a hardstand area
next to the parking lot. We are not quite sure when the land will be
handed over; but the first show home on the development should be ready
by July, and completion might be in December this year.
There were no planning matters to discuss, but, as always, we discussed
financial matters, including those for our year End accounts.
Councillor Jim Everard has been going round checking on, and
photographing, all our parish assets, from grit bins to land. He brought
our attention to the potholes in Pooles Lane, which we will need to
owners are reminded that the Lower Rec is a children’s play area and as
such dogs are not allowed!
Following on from a letter received from a resident, councillors
discussed the refurbishment of the War Memorial in time for the 100th
Anniversary of its dedication on 11th November 2023. We will be asking
quotes from stonemasons for the cleaning up of the lettering on the
memorial, and looking into possible grants; the pavement stones around
the Memorial need some attention.
Broken road signs at Ebben Lane and Leigh Lane will need to be replaced,
and everybody is encouraged to report such breakages/damage to the
Highways Agency: where
you can specify and pinpoint such defects on
an interactive map.
Councillors discussed a new version of the Welcome Pack for new
residents, which will be both hardcopy and on the Parish website. We
looked at quotes for the grass cutting and footpath maintenance, and
decided to stay with the current contractors as we have had lots of
positive feedback on their work. On the Band Hut the rickety and rotten
old door has been replaced with a smart new hardwood door.
There is not much to report from our representative on outside bodies –
apart from the Winsham Recreational Trust. The Pavilion at the Upper Rec
is undergoing maintenance to the outside at the moment; electrical
heating will be installed this month; the plumbing is being upgraded,
and some minor electrical faults are being addressed.
Feedback on the Parish Survey is still welcome, now the results have
been published. We are discussing the results in detail, and they will
be incorporated in the Five Year plan for the parish we are developing.
We will keep you informed!
And finally – we would welcome ideas on what we should do with the
village phone box we have purchased. the telephone has now been
removed, and we need to decide whether it is going to be a
mini-book-exchange, a recycling centre, a booth with information about
Winsham and surroundings such as leaflets with walks, an art gallery, a
very large hanging basket with flowers… ideas to or
directly to councillors, please.
on the Winsham Parish Council meeting of February 3rd 2021 Present:
Eight councillors and the Clerk, District Councillors Linda Vijeh and
Sue Osborne, and four members of the public. Once again we met by zoom, in
a meeting that lasted just short of two hours. Sue Osborne reported that
the rollout of vaccinations in Somerset is going very well! She also
reported that many planning applications are being delayed due to a
recent court judgement known as “Dutch N” having to do with phosphate
levels in groundwater. We approved the schedule of
cheques and bank reconciliations, and approved the third quarter spend
against the budget report as well; this might seem rather dry stuff, but
for a healthy and responsible state of parish finances we do need to
keep careful track of such things. We
discussed planning applications on garage extensions and the removal of
agricultural ties to a house, and approved these either with ‘no
objection’ or ‘recommended’; a third application for a farm
refurbishment with a February deadline had come in after the agenda had
been published, and we had to have a separate meeting on Feb. 10th to
decide on our positive response to that one. Once again several activities
have been delayed under the influence of COVID19 or the weather: the
replacement bench for the Lower Rec. and the removal of the holly
growing out of a cemetery grave, for instance. Following contact with the new
SCC footpath warden we have raised on-going issues including one blocked
footpath and other priority work that needs doing. We have ordered new
way marks (the small directional disks) to improve access to the path
network. We are still thinking about
‘rejuvenating’ the lower rec. playground, in line with comments given
under the village survey. Councillor Fowler reported on
behalf of the Winsham Recreational Trust that the loft insulation
installation at the Pavilion is now complete; the next step is the
replacement of current windows by double-glazed PVC ones, the
installation of new fascia and of wall-mounted electric heaters. The Winsham Community Resource
Centre (also known as the Band Hut) will get a new door and doorframe
later this month. We are planning where and how
to place signs for the upcoming new car park behind Balsom Close. For
the nature area we hope to establish behind the car park we have
combined the existing planning permission ‘ecological management’
requirements with our own plans and come up with a document asking for
minor changes in planning permission. We now have to establish whether
it is the Council or the developer who should submit this request, and
our District Councillors are helping us with the nitty gritty of this. Finally, we are considering
the hedges around the allotments, which have become rather high. Rather
than have them flailed (and having the hedge along the main road look
very untidy) we are hoping to either have this done, or do it ourselves,
in a manner that lowers the hedge – but not the tone of the village! The next
WPC meeting will be on Wednesday, March 3rd at 19:30; should
you like to attend (by zoom, again) please email the Clerk at and
she will send you an invitation a few days before. The agenda for the
meeting will be made available the Friday before the meeting.
The parish
council had to meet virtually by zoom once again, due to Lockdown Mk.
III. All councillors and the Clerk were present, as were District and
County Councillor Linda Vijeh and three members of the public.
Linda Vijeh
reported, among other things, that Area committee meetings are to be
cancelled in January and February, to help the District Council to
prioritise community support and vaccinations during the national
COVID-19 lockdown.
The Clerk
reported that the defibrillator funds have now been transferred from the
Parish Magazine to the parish council, where they will be held in a
ring-fenced and separate reserve for that specific purpose. We have
been spraying the Lower Rec. playground black rubber surfaces with eco-
and people-friendly fluids to combat the moss (which might make the
surfaces slippery) but without much success so far; though these
surfaces are not very slippery at the moment – unlike the round wooden
‘stage’ or dais, which is very slippery. We
will be seeking expert advice for measures such as rubber decking strips
to make this surface child-safe. The council
discussed and approved the budget for 2021/2022, and Winsham might be
pleased to hear that the parish council part of the council tax (the
“precept”) will remain unchanged. A single
planning application, this time from our primary school, was approved:
we really like the gradual changes that are improving the school.
In the
cemetery Keith Fowler has replaced the kissing gate, now spruced up
almost beyond recognition! We are pleased that people have commented how
good the cemetery looks.
We have
been made aware that the dog waste bins have not been emptied for a
while; it turns out the SSC waste partnership is running behind due to a
combination of Christmas and Covid-19. Similarly the Highways Agency is
running late with repairs to footpaths and roads; on the South Somerset
District Council website anyone can report deficiencies of roads and
paths – and of course the more people complain, the more attention HA
will give to a problem (at least, that is what we like to think…) Keith
Fowler reports that at the Pavilion loft insulation is being installed;
wall heaters are going to be installed in the next few months; the
Winsham recreational Trust is also looking at double-glazed windows and
new gutters and fascia. In the spring we hope to welcome people back to
a spruced-up Pavilion. Bob Wilcox
and Lisa Stevens made us aware of the original agreement between the
first developers of the Western Way house-building (the current ones are
the third set!) and the South Somerset District Council. This lays out
in great detail many things that should already have happened, such as
turf laying, regular mowing and inspections. Our nature area working
group is hoping to amalgamate this document’s rules and regulations with
our current plans, and we hope to come up with a plan that will be
acceptable to the District Council.
The results
of the parish survey will go out with the next issue of the Parish
Finally –
the parish council has agreed to buy the BT phone box in Winsham for the
princely sum of one pound. BT will remove the telephone (apparently it
was last used in March 2018) and we will try and come up with a creative
new use for the box! The
next parish council meeting will be on February 3rd. The
agenda will be on the Parish Council website a week before the meeting.
If you would like to attend this (once again virtual) meeting, please
email the Clerk at
and she will invite you with the appropriate details and codes.
At the end of the second lockdown of the year the Parish Council
emerged… into yet another meeting by zoom, as we are more than six! All
nine councillors and the Clerk attended, as well as County councillor
Linda Vijeh and four members of the public. While the lockdown has
stopped or slowed many aspects of our work (such as refurbishing the War
Memorial and the lower Rec) we do continue with other parts of our work.
We looked at, and approved, the planning application that had come in;
we are working on the budget (and resulting precept) to be set at the
next meeting, in January; and our Clerk, Rose Richards, is now fully
CiLCA-qualified after a lot of studying and training. This means the
parish council now is able to exercise “General Power of Competence” –
which means we will be able to attract more grants. Currently we have
one grant in the pipeline, for helping us set up the future nature park
behind the new build on Western Way.
The maintenace funds for the Bell defibrillator have now been
passed to the parish council, and will be kept separate from our other
funds; we are looking into having a second defibrillator installed in
Davies Close, after further consultation.
Councillor Fowler reported on progress with the Winsham
Recreational Trust, where the Pavilion at the Upper Rec is now having
new curtains installed and where councillor Hill has shampooed all the
carpets to an almost new standard. The WRT has also accepted a quote for
the installation of roof insulation and the application of a water
repellent on the walls, while a quote for the installation of heaters is
still ongoing. The hedges around the field have been cut.
Finally, continuing with the Lower Rec. theme, we have been made
aware that the black matting around several pieces of play equipment
have become slippery because of moss growth. We have gone round this
week (the first week of December) with a little working party and
cleaned off moss and leaves, and sprayed for algae (with a safe spray of
We will keep you posted on our meetings; the next council meeting
is on January 6th.
Due to the current restrictions the council held its
meeting using Zoom Cllr Everard chaired. Linda Vijeh and Sue Osborne
were in attendance as well as 3 members of the public. Items that were up for discussion were varied and if
you wish to read the full minutes please go to the Parish Council web
Parish Survey Results:
Cllr Everard will be writing a summary of the results to be published in
the New Year
Cemetery Fees and Water Supply:
It was agreed that the removal and replacement of
memorials to be the same rate for non residents as residents plus the
reinstatement of the water supply would be looked into.
Balsom Close Nature Area:
Cllr Beentje has been working very hard with a
design and grant for the new nature area which hopefully will be started
once the new houses are complete.
Neighbourhood Watch:
Cllr Fowler had discussed with our Neighbourhood
Co-ordinator what was needed for the area and the conclusion was
that we need more volunteers so if you are interested
please contact Cllr Fowler or any other council member.
Memorial Hedge: A
memorial hedge has been proposed to be planted along the new fence at
the cemetery. A suggestion put forward was that parishioners could
donate hedge seedlings in memory of a loved one.
Please think about this and we will let you know when we have considered
suitable hedging plants and have prepared the ground”.
We approved the single planning permission received. We decided to try and start up the Neighbourhood Watch scheme again, and will be making the first moves in this direction. The new bench for the lower Rec, kindly made by Mr Paul Anderson, is ready for installation and awaits a dry period in order to have the concrete base poured. More work is needed as some of the equipment, and some of the safety surfaces is/are getting rather tired; we also want to update the railings and fencing. There are of course regular inspections of the playground, which so far have been positive, but we want to stay ahead of the curve! The apple tree in the cemetery, which was getting in the way of people tending several graves, had its crown lifted; painting the railings will have to wait until springtime. A working party is going to look at other actions needed in the cemetery; we note that several people have complimented the grass-cutting there and elsewhere. Our contractors have one more cut in October, and that will be the year’s last cut. The Winsham Recreational Trust chairman reported that the full survey has come back mostly positive. We do need better insulation, and we are looking at heating systems. The showers are being serviced. Steve Weller is doing a great job,decorating the inside to a professional standard, and is *only* charging for materials – putting in substantial amounts of time, for which we are very grateful. We are still working on the parish survey results – all those individual answers and suggestions have now been summarised, and we will be studying how we can convert and merge these into a five-year Parish Plan. We will be applying for a grant to help with landscaping the area behind Balsom Close, which we want to make into an area that combines a nature area with hedgerows and trees (and a small hill) with a footpath, as well as a small play area. We will keep you posted. Henk Beentje (and others!)
Report on the Winsham parish council meeting, September 2nd 2020
On Wednesday September 2nd the Winsham
Parish Council held its monthly meeting; after months of zoom meetings,
we met face to (distanced) face in the Jubilee Hall, with members of the
public present – and all under proper COVID-19 biosecurity, of course.
This was the first time in months the Jubilee Hall has been used!
We had
several planning applications to consider, and some of these were
approved, while for others we decided to delay our answer by a week in
order to have a quick site visit to make up our minds. While the WPC has
no major influence on planning applications, we always hope that South
Somerset District Council takes our views into account, and we feel we
have to take these applications seriously – after all, they will impact
our community.
On the
agenda was a complaint about late night noise from Cricket St Thomas,
but thankfully the activities that caused the noise have now moved
In the cemetery the wasps are still active, so
please use due caution (and a note has been posted by the entrance); by
the time the newsletter appears most wasps will have died, as they do
each winter. Apparently there have been complaints about the removal of
the fence between the cemetery and the footpath. We had no choice: Andy
Partridge had shown us that all the fence-posts were rotten in the
ground, and the whole thing was sagging under the weight of the
A friendly farmer replaced the whole fence
and only charged us for the materials, for which we are very grateful.
We intend planting shrubs like hawthorn along the fence to bring it back
to life and to help insect life (not necessarily wasps, but bees and
In the
churchyard the stumps of the laurel have been removed from near the
path, and the very large stumps further away from the path have been
treated with copper nails, to try and stop them from re-sprouting. Paul
Welters has been removing ivy from the box tombs and the stone of the
building, as the ivy was beginning to impact the stone; our grateful
thanks to Paul.
will soon be tackling the lower Rec playground; Paul Anderson has very
kindly prepared a beautiful new bench to replace the rotten one, and
there is a lot of other work that needs doing.
We will be liaising closely with Winsham Football
Club about the cutting of the pitch at the upper Rec, as this needs more
careful cutting, lifting and removal of cuttings. The council will
pick up the cost of an extra cut to bring it up to scratch for the first
WFC home matches.
The Winsham Recreational Trust has met a few times
over the past month, and a building survey as well as an electrical
survey have been done professionally; we are awaiting the reports (but a
verbal report from the building surveyor was largely positive, which is
good news). A fire inspection is in the pipeline. New locks have been
fitted to the pavilion throughout, in line with insurance requirements.
Before the Football Club can use the clubhouse, both the WFC and the WRT
need to do a COVID-19 assessment; WFC has completed theirs, and WRT are
working on theirs.
Re-decoration of the clubhouse will start in
early October.
The new housing development near Balsom Close was
discussed at length, as we need to find out who is responsible for the
main drain; if the road into the closes, now unadopted, can be
transferred to Highways; about the planned car park with 36 spaces, and
the planned nature area between the proposed car park and
Lane. We are still in the planning stage for
this but we need to get it sorted before the end of the year.
decided to defer the Annual Council Meeting of the WPC to May 2021. We
considered having it later this year, but because the Jubilee hall under
COVID rules can only hold twenty people, and many of the organisations
that usually report at the Annual Meeting have been impacted by the
lockdown, we felt deferment was the only way to go.
Beentje & Keith Fowler |
Report on the Winsham parish council meeting, August the
5th We are still
in Zoom-mode meeting, distancing digitally, and this time we were joined
by four members of the public, South Somerset County Councillor Linda
Vijeh and South Somerset District Councillor Sue Osborne. Linda talked
about Covid measures and the proposals for a unitary council for
Somerset; Sue told us the District Council is seven million pounds in
the red due to the pandemic – but also that there are still business
support grants available (including for holiday lets and B&B!) but
businesses should apply before the 28th of August! Points
discussed included maintenance of the War memorial and parish council
website accessibility; we discussed and approved several planning
applications; and we decided to support the District walking and cycling
manifesto, even though we felt this was more geared to large towns. The
section between Chard and Axminster is of special interest to us. A
sub-committee was formed to look at maintaining and increasing plant and
animal diversity, such as in the churchyard, the cemetery and the new
development behind Balsom Close. The lower
Rec has been checked weekly by the Council, and recently an independent
annual inspection took place. It is clear some maintenance and repairs
are needed, with rotten wood of benches one of the main concerns; but
also proper fencing and some material that is getting old. We will soon
do a walkabout to decide what to tackle first. In the
cemetery flowers have been removed from graves and thrown about. We
worried about vandals lacking respect – but it turns out the likely
culprit is a cock pheasant! There is also some tunneling going on by
small mammals, probably voles, which clearly can be upsetting for
relatives. The solution is probably to fill the tunnels with small
stones – but please be careful as we found one hole occupied by wasps…
The woodwork needs some TLC and the iron railings need a coat of paint,
both will be tackled by councillors. The small gate is almost ready and
will be put back in place. The cutting
down of the laurel cherry in the churchyard was not done by the council.
We have been looking at the stumps and will probably treat them
(drilling holes, filling with Epsom salts) to try and kill the stumps;
we prefer to promote the yew hedge, which should do better now the
laurel is gone. The parish
survey results are on their way – watch this space! |
Report on the Winsham parish council meeting, 1st July, 2020 |