Winsham Recreational Trust (WRT)

 Winsham Recreational Trust (WRT) is the new Charity which took over the lease and management responsibility of the top recreation ground, owned by Winsham Parish Council, on June 13th 2020. This followed negotiations with  Winsham Playing Field Trust, who asked the Parish Council to take over this responsibility. Winsham Parish Council is the sole trustee.



 Great progress has been made refurbishing the pavilion in the recreation ground at Bakersfield.  This has now been renamed “Winsham Community Club” and we anticipate it being ready for use once Covid19 restrictions are fully relaxed.

 The Community Club will have a fully licensed bar and in addition to being the home facilities for Winsham Football Club, will be available for hire for Winsham clubs, private functions, children’s parties, community events etc.

 If you think you might be interested in running or helping to run this club for our community, the Winsham Recreational Trust would be delighted to hear from you with your ideas.

 Please contact Keith Fowler by email at or put a letter addressed to the WRT with your suggestions in the Parish Council post box at the Jubilee Hall.

 We look forward to hearing from you!


WRT NEWS -8th August 2020

The WRT held a meeting on Saturday 8th August. 

 Topics included the Winsham United Football Club AGM. The Trust was unanimous in it’s support for the new committee and would like to thank them for including a member of the WUFC. This will be an invaluable way of communication and working together. The Trust is willing to support the WUFC use of the pitches and changing rooms and the WRT will cover this cost at present. An agreement will be arranged in the future but the aim is to make sure that the facilities are affordable. 

 Surveyors report: although an initial “insurance” survey has been carried out there has been a delay in doing a more detailed investigation. This has now been arranged. New locks have been fitted in line with insurance needs. A fire inspection has also been arranged. 

The grass will be mown every 2 weeks (alternating with the cemetery and church yard), until the end of the growing season. 

 It is good to see members of the community using the field. Please make the most of the school holidays, take a picnic, a bat and ball and enjoy the space. Let us all try to keep the village recreational areas as clean and safe as possible for our children, grandchildren and each other. Ideas for activities and use of the playing fields are welcome. Please speak to, or email, a member of the Trust. 


Article published in August edition of the JOINT PARISH MAGAZINE-Click HERE


Statement-Friday 17th July, 2020

The Sports and Social Club (S&SC) were aware that the original sub-lease had expired and, when transfer took place, relinquished the right to be operational in the club house. It was the responsibility of the S&SC trustees to notify and discuss this process with their members and arrange an extraordinary meeting. It was not the responsibility of WPC or the WRT.

Winsham United Football Club (WUFC) 

WRT unanimously agreed the WUFC were absolutely welcomed to remain  using the changing rooms and field as their club base. We have also discussed the roping off of the pitch. However WRT cannot promise that the Pavilion can be used at this time as the new trust has to carry out various checks and building surveys as part of their legal due diligence, as they are now the responsible landlords. Future negotiations will need to take place but the WRT would like to emphasise that WUFC are still very welcome and have repeatedly been encouraged to continue using the pitches and changing rooms (free of charge at the moment).

WRT can not, and will not, enter into or comment on past exchanges/issues with the previous Trustees or S&SC. We are a new Trust working from a clean slate. As a newly formed Trust we need to be mindful that the Recreation Ground is for the use of the whole Parish and therefore have taken the decision to open the gate, with the view to this being regularly reviewed.  

Following the Parish Survey that was completed before the Covid lockdown, the most popular response from Parishioners, for the Playing Fields and Pavilion was for a “facility benefitting the whole community".  We sincerely hope that this will be achievable and the trust is working towards this aim. It will take some time but please watch this space. 

 WRT Officers are as follows:

Chair                                               Keith Fowler

Secretary                                         Lucy Miller

Treasurer                                         Henk Beentje

Communications                             Judith Hill

Sports and Social Liaison Officer    Steve Weller

Trustees: Jennie Clampett, Stuart Davie, Jim Everard, Sarah Love,


Statement-1st July 2020
The management of the Upper Recreation Ground has , after some fifty years,  been repatriated to the control of Winsham Parish Council, who are ,at present, the sole trustees of a new charity trust named the WINSHAM RECREATIONAL TRUST.
This was formalised at the  parish council meeting held on 1st July.
The notice below gives some detail, which should be noted.
Further information, as the new management process evolves, will be published on the websites, the community Facebook page and in the Joint Parish Magazine, and on the Parish Council Notice Board, as appropriate.